Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rider's Edge Classes: Learn How to Ride Safely and in Style with Harley-Davidson

There are few brands that are as uniquely American as Harley-Davidson. The company produces the single most popular brand of motorcycles in the country, and its fans and supporters arrange for major national get-togethers in various places throughout the country. That enthusiasm, though, isn't just picked up along the side of the road during an intense motorcycle trip. In the case of Harley-Davidson, motorcycle enthusiasm and brand loyalty are actually taught as part of the company's Rider's Edge program.

The Rider's Edge program is designed to give new and existing riders a sense of knowledge, safety, and best practices when they take their enviable motorcycle out for a spin in fair weather. It's no secret that motorcycles can be pretty dangerous, and the accidents they're involved in can sometimes be fatal. The company looks to ensure safety and smart operation through a series of classes that that are informative, fun, and help to promote its image as the premiere manufacturer of motorcycles.

Theory and Practice Make Perfect for Harley-Davidson Rider's Edge Students

Learning types undoubtedly vary between the many people who own Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and this demand a unique approach to education by the company's instructors nationwide. Each class taught by the company at its regional facilities throughout the United States is composed of theoretical classes and real world experience. Students of the Rider's Edge courses are actually ushered into a classroom, where they spend 25 cumulative hours learning about the various functions and safety practices associated with their equipment. They're taught by professionals in the field, who have been specifically qualified and authorized by the company to teach these skills.

Theory is backed up by real-world practice when the Rider's Edge students leave the classroom. The 25 classroom hours of motorcycle education are backed up by demonstrations and hands-on experience. Harley-Davidson locations throughout the United States maintain an up-to-date fleet of motorcycles that is specifically intended for use by Rider's Edge students. They'll get a feel for handling, operation, and their place on the road, all under the purview of an expert instructor.

Two Kinds of Courses for Two Very Different Kinds of Riders

Harley-Davidson knows that its riders typically come in two distinct varieties. The first is the rider who is completely new to motorcycle ownership and may not even have his or her motorcycle operation license before they've made a purchase. The second type of rider is one that has been operating motorcycles for quite some time, but is looking for added education about sharp turns on the road, judgment calls, and more advanced techniques. Luckily, the company does not force these two very different kinds of people into the same Rider's Edge course.

Instead, Harley-Davidson operates two distinct courses that best serve its different types of buyers and riders. The first, and most basic, is what the company calls its Rider's Edge New Rider Course. It's designed for those who may never have operated a motorcycle before, and it's a huge asset for safety and basic operation of the equipment.

For those riders who have a bit more experience under their belt, and those who are already licensed, Harley-Davidson's instructors teach a course known as the Rider's Edge Skilled Rider Course. This course is designed for those who are looking to add more knowledge to their existing pool of operational skills. Instructors teach more advanced techniques and allow for hands-on learning experiences that are quite a bit more daring than those offered to the newer riders in the entry-level course offering.

A Great Course for New Riders: How Rider's Edge Prepares Novices for the Road

The beginner-level Rider's Edge course is targeted to first-time buyers of Harley-Davidson motorcycles or those who do not yet have a motorcycle operation license. It's also targeted to people who are looking to acquire that license before they make their initial purchase at one of the company's regional retail outlets. Riders in this course are therefore treated to a slate of basic skills.

Each rider in this course learns about the specific model that they've recently purchased, or the one that they plan to purchase. This allows for the most accurate and timely information about safety procedures, precautions, and concerns. After learning about the specific model that they'll be operating, attendees learn essential skills like turning, braking safely, and controlling things like skids at a high rate of speed. They'll also learn how to overcome a number of common obstacles on the road in order to ensure that they do not get into an accident. Drivers will then use this knowledge on a closed course to learn how to properly operate the bike.

In some states, this entry-level course serves as a replacement for the written and road exam that is required to gain a motorcycle operation license. The certificate earned at the completion of the course can be taken to a DMV location and used as a waiver, with a license being issued immediately.

The Skilled Riders Course is Perfect for Seasoned Enthusiasts

After owning a motorcycle for quite some time, most people might feel like they've learned all there is to learn about controlling the bike and taking on more daring challenges. That’s hardly true, however, as there is always more to learn and more risky maneuvers to be undertaken. Harley-Davidson understands this, and their Skilled Riders course is designed to teach the best way to maneuver a bike through even more intense conditions.

Those who take the Rider's Edge Skilled Riders Course will learn how to control the bike at low speeds, or maneuver it through places where space is tight. They'll learn how to swerve and stop, as well as how to control the bike when speeds dip lower than usual. Attendees will learn how to judge curves, turns, and corners, as they relate to speed and angle. Hands-on experience will be given during lessons about avoiding or overcoming obstacles in the road.

A Fantastic Program Unlike Any Other

Harley-Davidson's Rider's Edge program is one of the most unique in the world, and it offers motorcycle enthusiasts a great way to make sure that they're staying safe while they're out on the road. From new riders to more seasoned veterans, Rider's Edge is a huge asset that shouldn't be ignored by motorcycle riders.

Knoxville Motorcycle Safety Class

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